Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are you prepared for the coming "Zombie Apocalypse"?

Beware the coming zombi Apocalypse!
Put this done under truth being stranger than fiction. In what can only be termed a bizarre-yet creatively funny-post at the CDC's blog "Public Health Matters" assistant Surgeon General Ali S Khan explores the possibility of a coming "Zombie Apocalypse" and gives guidelines for surviving a zombie disaster.
Much of it is just plain old fashioned common sense ideas for any disaster it does however contain a breif but informative "History of Zombies,a preparedness plan,as well as,a link to your very own survival kit from the CDC.

Quite often we criticize bureaucrats for their lack of imagination but I have to say I find this a funny breath of fresh air from one of those bureaucrats we love to make fun of!
One thing I did notice in all the great advice for surviving a zombie attack was the lack of any advice about weaponry. I guess that's in keeping with the liberal orthodoxy about guns and such that we are all to well acquainted with.
However there is a link in the article to a Wikipedia entry called "The Zombie Survival Guide" that does advise using M1 carbines and other weapons for self defense against the blood drinking brain eating monsters

Well I never thought I would blog about zombies,but,this one was too good to pass up. Follow the links and enjoy a fun and frivolous adventure into the madcap world of zombies and our all to often boring federal bureaucracy.